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10/29/24- Dr. Abolhasani delivered a Plenary Talk at the IMRET17 conference!


10/27/24- First-year PhD students, Dan, Aarti, and Alireza joined our team!


10/01/24- Congratulations to Dr. Abolhasani for being appointed as the Integrative Science Initiative's Director of Accelerated Technologies!


09/11/24- Congratulations to our former group member Fazel with a collaborative paper with the Amassian group, Cationic Ligation Guides Quantum-well Formation in Layered Hybrid Perovskites, accepted for publication in Matter.


09/07/24- Congratulations to Negin for receiving the AIChE CRE Travel Award!


09/07/24- Thanks to NSF for funding our CCI Phase I program, Center for Accelerated Photocatalysis (CAPs)!


08/16/24- Congratulations to Ben with a paper, Reproducibility in Automated Chemistry Laboratories using Computer Science Abstractions, accepted for publication in Nature Synthesis.


08/15/24- Congratulations to Nikolai and Pragyan for successfully passing their Ph.D. prelim exams!


08/10/24- Sina and Ben's paper was selected for the cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering!


08/05/24- Congratulations to Jeff with a paper, Machine-learning Optimization of 3D-printed Flow-reactor Geometry, published in Nature Chemical Engineering.


07/26/24- Congratulations to SinaBen, and their co-authors with a paper, Engineering a Sustainable Future: Harnessing Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence with Self-Driving Laboratories, accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.


07/01/24- Congratulations to Dr. Abolhasani for being promoted to Full Professor!


06/21/24- Congratulations to Dr. Abolhasani for receiving the 2024 AIChE CRE Early Career Investigator Award!


05/10/24- Check out Dr. Abolhasani's interview with the National Science Foundation!


04/19/24- Congratulations to our former group member Zach with a paper, Facile Synthesis of Cu-Doped TiO2 Particles for Accelerated Visible Light-Driven Antiviral and Antibacterial Inactivation, accepted for publication in ACS Applied Engineering Materials.


04/09/24- Congratulations to Jeff with a paper, Robotic Synthesis Decoded through Phase Diagram Mastery, published in Nature Synthesis.


02/26/24- Congratulations to Negin and her co-authors with a paper, Digital Pareto-Front Mapping of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions, accepted for publication in Reaction Chemistry & Engineering.


01/29/24- Dr. Richard Canty joined our team as a postdoctoral research associate! Welcome to the team!


01/25/24- Congratulations to Jeff, Negin, and their co-authors with a paper, Autonomous Reaction Pareto-Front Mapping with a Self-driving Catalysis Laboratory, accepted for publication in Nature Chemical Engineering.


01/22/24- Congratulations to Amanda with a paper, Performance Metrics to Unleash the Power of Self-Driving Labs in Chemistry and Materials Science, accepted for publication in Nature Communications.


01/12/24- Future Labs Workshop was a success! Kudos to our group members for their efforts in organizing this workshop on the future of autonomous labs!​




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