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12/05/19- 2 new graduate students (Amanda and Fazel) joined our group. Welcome to the team!


11/22/19- Congratulations to Dr. Abolhasani for receiving an NSF CAREER Award!


11/14/19- Congratulations to Mahdi and Marjan! their recent paper, Minireview: Flow Chemistry Studies of High-Pressure Gas-Liquid Reactions with Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen is accepted for publication in Journal of Flow Chemistry.


11/10/19- Congratulations to Jacob for winning the 3rd place in the undergraduate poster competition at the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando. 


11/01/19- Dr. Abolhasani delivered a plenary talk at the annual Samsung Tech Fair on Autonomous Materials Development.


10/25/19- Congratulations to Kameel on successfully passing his Ph.D. prelim exam! 


10/23/19- Congratulations to Suyong on successfully passing his Ph.D. prelim exam! 


09/23/19- Dr. Abolhasani delivered a keynote lecture at "Manufacturing of Materials in Flow" workshop held at the University of Cambridge.


09/16/19- Congratulations to Zach on successfully passing his Ph.D. prelim exam! 


09/11/19- Dr. Marjan Kashfipour joined our team as a postdoctoral research associate.


08/23/19- Evan and Nick joined our team!


08/07/19- Dr. Abolhasani delivered an invited talk at Samsung Future Tech Forum on Autonomous Materials Development.


07/26/19- Congratulations to Jeff and Zach! their recent paper, Role of Continuous Flow Processes in Green Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals and Specialty Chemicals is accepted for publication in Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering.


07/024/19- Dr. Abolhasani and Suyong visited the Marre group at Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), as part of our collaborative project supported by Thomas Jefferson Funds through the Make Our Planet Great Initiative.


07/17/19- Congratulations to Michael for receiving the 2019 Astronaut Scholarship Foundation Award!


06/11/18- National Science Foundation awarded a project to our group to study and develop an advanced manufacturing technique for continuous synthesis of colloidal heteronanostructures. We thank NSF for their support of our research group!


06/05/19- Kameel's paper was selected for the Frontispiece of Advanced Functional Materials.


04/26/19- Congratulations to Corwin for receiving the Richard L. Blanton Capstone Award for his project, "Mixing-Controlled Synthesis of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals".


04/25/19- Congratulations to Corwin and Robbie for their work on A low-cost, non-invasive phase velocity and length meter and controller for multiphase lab-in-a-tube devices accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip.


04/25/19- Congratulations Corwin and Michael! They both won awards for outstanding posters at the NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium!


04/19/19- Eastman Chemical Company awarded a project to our group to develop an intensified flow chemistry strategy for the accelerated screening and continuous manufacturing of specialty chemicals. We thank Eastman for their continued support of our research program.


03/04/19- Zach has been selected as a Fulbright Research Scholar for a 9-month stay in France with the Marre Group! Congratulations on this incredible honor!


02/28/19- Congratulations to Kameel, Robbie, and Corwin for their work on Facile Room Temperature Anion Exchange Reactions of Inorganic Perovskite Quantum Dots Enabled by a Modular Microfluidic Platform, accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials.


02/04/19- Jeff's paper was selected for the back cover of Reaction Chemistry & Engineering.



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