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12/21/17- Eastman Chemical Company awarded a project to Abolhasani (PI), Menegatti (co-PI), and Santiso (co-PI) Groups to study 

alcohol oxidation reactions using Flow Chemistry! We thank Eastman for their continued support of our research program.


12/11/17- 3 new graduate students (Zach, Kameel, and Suyong), and 3 undergraduate research assistants (CorwinDaniel, and Tyler) joined our team!


12/08/17- A World-Class Scholar: Kobi Felton. Check out Kobi's interview with NC State News.


12/07/17- Robbie's paper was selected for the back cover of Lab on a Chip.


12/04/17- Congratulations to Kobi who just received the prestigious Marshall Scholarship. Kobi is the third recipient in the history of the Scholarship from NC State. 


12/04/17- Our collaborative project with the Kumacheva group on studies of shear-induced alignment of anisotropic nanoparticles was accepted for publication in Langmuir.


11/29/17- Dr. Abolhasani gave an invited seminar at Virginia Commonwealth University.


11/21/17- Our latest collaborative work with the Jensen group on using the oscillatory flow technique for in-situ studies of bi-phasic ligand exchange of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals was accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.


11/8/17- Our recent microfluidic technology is highlighted by NC State News,, EurekAlert!, Photonics, and Technology Networks.   


10/30/17- Congratulations to Kobi for winning the 2nd place in the undergraduate poster competition at the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting


10/27/17- Dr. Abolhasani is selected as one of the Emerging Investigators by the Journal Lab on a Chip. Check out his interview with LOC.


10/18/17- Congratulations to Robbie and Kobi for their work on High-Throughput Screening of Colloidal Perovskite Quantum Dots accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip!


10/08/17- Our lab is selected for the UNC-ROI Award to develop a sustainable modular gas-to-liquids (M-GTL) technology to catalytically convert biogas, a bio-renewable energy source, into carbon-neutral gasoline.


10/04/17- Jeff and Robbie presented posters at the Triangle Science Research Competition (TSRC)!


09/30/17- Mathew joined our team!


09/15/17- We hosted 175 middle-school students (8th grade) for a Microfluidics Day Workshop. Students and their parents learned about a variety of microfluidic systems for applications in nanotechnology, soft matter, and catalysis.


09/01/17- MichaelJacob, and Bryce joined our team!


07/13/17- We hosted Catalyst InvenTeam for a Microfluidics Day Workshop. Catalyst InvenTeam members (K-12 students) learned about the advantages of process automation and microfluidic platforms for high-throughput screening of physical and chemical processes.


06/26/17- Our latest collaborative work with the Jensen group on using the oscillatory flow platform for studies of visible-light photo-redox catalysis was accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.


06/13/17- Our collaborative work with the Jensen group on modeling the formation kinetics of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals was accepted for publication in Reaction Chemistry & Engineering.


05/25/17- Our collaborative work with the Jensen group on using an oscillatory flow platform for the on-demand medicinal chemistry and compound synthesis was accepted for publication in Chemical Communications.


05/22/17- Julia, Sultan, Vishal, and Jacob joined our team!


05/01/17- Dr. Cheng Zhu joined our team as a postdoctoral research associate.


03/20/17- Our collaborative project with the Kumacheva group on extraction and recycling of switchable hydrophilicity solvents was accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.


03/18/17- Andrew is selected for an REU program at LSU!


01/19/17- We are hiring! 2 Postdoctoral Positions are available in the Abolhasani Lab.

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